What is In The Cool Zone? Part 2

Getting "in the cool zone" is not only about how one thinks about information. It is also about training yourself to take control of your emotions and your body to enable you to maintain your thought process. The techniques shared here help position your emotions and body for success. They get in your way more often than you might think! What we focus on here will allow you to absorb what is coming at you while keeping your thoughts clear, staying cool and continuing to use your mind. "Is it possible we don't talk about the Lord more often in public because we might get push back?" Life is moving quickly and w e often find ourselves in stressful situations. Sometimes these situations can come as a surprise and throw us off. Other times we know we are headed into the fire. Since we know this is the case let's take some time to ready ourselves so we can be the person we know we can be and certainly the person the Lord intended us to be. ...