What is In The Cool Zone? Part 1
When it comes to one's belief system and developing your core values, being In The Cool Zone is about managing the information you receive and processing it with a thoughtful, peaceful mindset. The goal is to come to "the truth." As followers of Christ we understand that knowing and adhering to the truth is of paramount importance. Therefore, it is helpful to develop a sound thinking process.
Please, spend time with that person!
Concept >>> Thinking that is In The Cool Zone.
- Reading and studying the Bible.
- When challenged with unfamiliar ideas and philosophies.
- It is an essential part of being "open minded." Open Minded: Exercising the skill and ability to receive new information and not dismiss it before evaluating and attempting to understand its value.
- Following and understand current events.
- Hearing another's point of view or opinion on a subject.
Take Action!
Do you have someone in your life that teaches you how to think things through?Please, spend time with that person!
How could a galvanized thinking process be helpful in stressful situations?
Make a quick list.
Make a quick list.
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Concept >>> Thinking that is In The Cool Zone.
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