Let God Do His Part

[continued from How Do I Serve God?]
When we take ownership of our responsibilities and act on God's Word, the Lord takes on a responsibility in this process. He has made promises that He will unfailingly accomplish on our behalf.


Do the things God told you to do and let Him do the things He said He would do.

The second part can actually be more difficult than the first. Once we identify our tasks we can put them into perspective and get them done. The second part instructs us to go "hands off" and that can be scary when our faith has not been developed.

Do the things God told you to do and let Him do the things He said He would do.

Let God do the things He said he would do

When we bring our prayers, supplications and requests to our Father we are giving those things over to Him. Right on! Just like He has told us to do. Now let's trust Him.

Example to Illustrate

God has tasked us with working. When we need a job we give it up to the Lord in prayer and then we take the follow-up steps of faith.

  1. Prepare our resume.
  2. Get a haircut.
  3. Press our suit.
  4. Make our contacts.
  5. Worry incessantly. What? Wait! Whoa!
The first four steps are true acts of faith. While we are taking these steps of faith we should be fully persuaded that our Father is doing His part. In this example, His part is getting you the job. You most likely weren't praying to get a great haircut. You prayed for a job. You weren't praying to get your suit pressed. You prayed for a job.

In our prayers we give the miracle part of our requests to God. Those things are God's responsibilities. Where we go astray is we attempt the miracle through force of will. This strategy is called, Worry.

Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.

Step 5 is our attempt to do the miracle. Skip this step! Jesus asked, "Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?" Nope! So let's keep our focus on God's promises and instructions to us for when it's His turn to work.

You are not tasked with being a miracle worker. You are not tasked with answering your own prayers. Our Father has told us to keep asking, and it will be given you. Keep seeking, and you will find. Keep knocking, and it will be opened to you. Our Father knows how to give excellent gifts. He does this because He loves us and we ask. Let Him! :-)


Take Action!

What challenge is before you right now? 
Identify the things that are your responsibilities. Then identify the things you are giving to God.
Lead with prayer and then do your part. Your Father will do His part. 

Have you ever noticed the Lord doesn't do things the way you expect Him to?
The Lord does things in His time and in His way. It is a better way! He is intricately weaving blessings on people everywhere and it is impossible for us to see how He pulls these things off. It truly is a complex process beyond our senses.  So wait and wait patiently.
Practice patience. It's God's turn to work.
Practice consistency. It's my turn to work.
Let these work and give them time for God's plan to unfold.

Please, add your thoughts in the comment section.


Concept >>> “Let God do the things He said He would do”
Next >>> "Prayer... Life on Turbo Setting"

In The Cool Zone concept. 


  1. You buy an oven with the promise it will bake for you. You read the manual to figure out how to use it! You discover it can do way more than bake! It can broil, slow roast and self clean too! It pays to find out what the promises are that God has made! How will you know if you don't read and study the "manual". Cheryl

    1. Reading and studying the bible is a core concept of serving God and staying in the cool zone!

      Fantastic analogy! :-)
      - Rob

  2. Some verses that come to mind in allowing God to do his part are Matthew 6:25-27 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
    Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

    When we step aside in faith and trust God to do the things He has said he would do, we have to give up control. We have to surrender control over to God and acknowledge that what needs to happen is something we cannot make happen or control and that God is the only one who can do it. This is a very difficult battle between flesh and spirit. We have a desire to control the things in our life, but we have to get to a point where we face the fact that we cannot control everything.
    In my experience lots of people say they have surrendered or allow God to do His work but they still worry, try to make things happen, or exercise some measure of control. That's not real surrender; it's meddling. The same way you asked your mom or dad if you could do something and they said sure and then went right ahead and hovered over your shoulder giving direction and stepping in at every occasion. If you can remember a time like that from your childhood or even as an adult, you know how frustrating it was for you. God doesn't need to be mothered. He's got this. You've just got to let yourself be free of the burden.
    There are also different levels of surrender. You might trust God to do His work in one situation and try to maintain control in another. Keep working until you get to a level where you have surrendered your entire life to the Will of God and focus only on doing the things God has told you to do.


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