Prayer by Design

Can you pray? Yep! Do you have time? You have all that there is!

Make a Prayer List

Write it down! It's just as natural to read your list to the Lord as it is to pray from the hip. The added bonus is you can nail the scriptures and remember everything you wanted to pray about. When your prayers are organized and it's all in front of you it makes for an energetic and efficient experience.

Can it feel robotic. Yea, a little... at first. However, your approach is one of sincerity and the Lord knows what you are doing.

Start with one scripture if that's all you have. If you woke up every morning and prayed, "Lord, this guy is telling me to pray something everyday. So I acknowledge you and remind you that Jesus wept," then you are off to a great start! :-) Start small and work your way up to the big stuff.

Be patient. Keep praying.


When you are consistent with a small prayer list it will begin to grow all on it's own. What is the need right now? Write it down. Find a scripture or two to go with it. Boom! You're in the game!

Write out your ongoing prayers just like you pray it.

No need to quote the chapter and verse reference to God. Giving references is great for study but this is a conversation. You know the Word. God knows the Word. Just talk to Him. He hears you.

Schedule a reminder to do a monthly review of your prayer list. Take this time to reorder and organize your list so it flows like you want it to.

Time it! Find out how long it takes to get through your prayer list. Note your list at the 5 minute mark, 15 minute mark, 30 minutes, an hour? Sure! This will let you get the high priority stuff in when you have a busy day. If you have only 5 minutes now due to time constraints you know exactly what you can get in. Picking up later for the rest will be easy as pie!

If you are consistent you are going to be drawn to your prayer list. You'll begin to crave that time with the Lord.

Devote yourself to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.

The Amazing Effects of Prayer

We are tasked by the Lord to walk in the Spirit and to acknowledge the Lord in all our ways. Prayer is the catalyst of these things. When we engage the spirit world through our prayer we begin to see the effects of the spirit world around us. I'm not kidding. I'm not sure I can explain how this works exactly but if you are praying consistently you will begin to see things unfolding in ways that will leave you speechless.

When you go from an unorganized prayer life to a effective, consistent prayer life,  you begin to see things you didn't see before. Please shoot me a note when that begins to happen to you. I would love to hear about it. I can hardly wait! :-)


Take Action!

Is 30 seconds of prayer time everyday too little? Is it a waste of God's time? 
No way! Our desperate pleas to God while we are on the road and late for work make it to the throne room. Well then if we take time to focus for 30 seconds to give our prayer list to our Father, it will be like dropping nukes on the challenges ahead. Do it daily!
Remember that consistency is our catalyst for growth in the Lord.
 Prayer is our catalyst for walking in the Spirit. 

What are a few good tools to create my prayer list with?
My favorite is OneNote. I can make my list on my computer and pull it up on all of my devices. So Sweet!
Others that are out there include Evernote and Google Keep as well as many others. Use paper and pen if you prefer. A small note book that you can carry with you in your pocket will work fine.
Do you have a great prayer tool? Share it in the comment section.

Please, add your thoughts in the comment section.


Concept >>> “Design Your Prayer Strategy”

Next >>> "Praying for Wisdom... Debunked?"

In The Cool Zone concept.


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