You Must Seize This One Reality!

"You are a new creation."


It shouldn't be. It cannot be!

You are not the person that you think you are. Dig deeper. You are not the person that you once were. When you were born from heaven you became something new. You are now something else and to understand who and what you are you must learn what God's Word says about you, then seize it!

If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.

A Platitude?

These words "New Creature" in the scriptures are not a platitude. However, to lay hold of this concept you are going to have to fight for it. Understanding who you are in Christ will bring a liberty that cannot be found by any other means.

The world has to look around and search, and stumble and grasp at who they are. They strive for righteousness. They strive for vanity. Yet neither help them to become who they were created to be.

We have God's Word that tells us exactly who we are, what we were created for and He has given us the tools to do it. Seize it!

Seize it!


Take Action!

Do you feel like you are grasping at understanding who you are in Christ? 
We are with you! The attributes of a new creature in Christ are in you. Let's take advantage of this new nature. Find out what God says about you and BELIEVE IT and then begin to act on it. Do the small stuff first and work your way up to the bigger things.

Do the scriptures say you are patient? Then be patient because you have patience. That is just one of many attributes we will be sharing but don't wait. Go get that information today.
What are the first things that come to mind about being a new creation?
Make a quick list of 3 attributes God said you have. Ask Him to bring them to bear in your life.

OneNote is my favorite way to manage my notes. Use paper, use Evernote, use something to track your knowledge. It is an essential part of being an effective, efficient son or daughter of Christ. We have the tools. Let's use them.

Has it sunk in that you are a new creation?
Separate yourself and take time to think about what this means. Pray. Ask the Lord to show you how he sees you. Please, make this a focus over the next week.

Please, add your thoughts in the comment section.


Thank you!

Concept >>> You Are Something New
Next >>> Are You Disciplined? The Answer May Surprise You!

In The Cool Zone concept.


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