ITCZ 101 - Foundations of Fortitude

The core value of In The Cool Zone is in the techniques for putting our mind, emotions and body in a position to support our thinking so we can do the work the Lord has given us to do. That work as we define it is thinking like Jesus thinks, delivering the Gospel and teaching what we have learned. These are the same goals declared in our Vision Statement and Mission Statement.

ITCZ 101

Foundations of Fortitude


In The Field

Finish Strong

Support Your Thinking

Many of these concepts do require practice to master. Some techniques will be a natural part of your make up and may come easy. Others will require practice. Remember in the article, Galvanize Your Heart, we discussed doing mental reps to prepare for sudden uncomfortable situations. You will find that the ITCZ techniques work in concert with mental reps for galvanizing your heart.

When your mind, emotions and body are supporting your efforts you become a force in delivering the Gospel and teaching the way's of the Lord.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. So never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord. - 2 Timothy 1:7-8


  • Most of these chapters contain ideas that can be presented in any order. If there is one that stands out and you would like more information, leave a note in the comment section. We'll get it posted for you. :-)
  • ITCZ = In The Cool Zone.


Take Action!

Are you ready to learn the powerful techniques of being In The Cool Zone
You can get a quick overview of what it means to be In The Cool Zone here. Follow along as we detail the art of preparing to get In The Cool Zone and learning the techniques that give us a focused and sincere approach that sets us up for success and allows us to effectively think like Jesus thinks, deliver the Gospel and teach what we have learned.
Bookmark this page for quick reference to follow along as we build out this content. Easy! :-D

Please, add your thoughts in the comment section.


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Next >>> "ITCZ - The Holy Spirit Leads"

In The Cool Zone concept. Think like Jesus thinks. Deliver the Gospel. Teach what you have learned.


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