Study Like You Have To Teach It

In the article, How Do I Serve God?, we began to lay our foundation in the Lord with prayer, reading and connecting with other Christians. We then answered the question, What Should I Study? Now that we have discovered what to study, let's learn an important approach to study.

Study like you have to teach it.

Study like you have to teach it.

As followers of our beloved Father we know we are new creatures created in Christ Jesus and our primary goal is to know Him. To become like Him. As we do this we are building ourselves up in the Lord. We are on the right track!

We are also tasked with building up our brothers and sisters in the Lord so that they can know Him as well.  So let's keep them in mind as we dig in and learn. Thoughtfully develop your own style and prepare to dispense your knowledge and wisdom at every opportunity. It takes time to develop effective teaching skills so integrate this approach early on.
You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others. - 2 Timothy 2:2 NLT

Strategy Tips

Focus your studies down to one concept. You may cover many facets of a subject or several subjects through a study but be sure to narrow the focus to one concept that can be taught. From the student perspective it is easier to grasp one concept at a time rather than trying to quantify multiple ideas when one core idea is all that is needed to answer a question.

Write out your thoughts on a subject. Nothing will challenge you more than to put your thoughts on paper. The writing process has a way of focusing the thoughts that are in your head like no other exercise you can do. Try it. You will see what I mean. :-)

Write out your thoughts.

Present what you are learning as often as possible. You can do this in casual conversation, in a study group or with a friend or family member. The more you discuss your ideas the more focused they become. You will also get questions and responses that will shine the light on areas you may be a little off. It's ok to be wrong. Being open to learning as you teach makes for a powerful combination.

Run things by a mentor. If you don't have a mentor in the Lord seek one out. The lessons you learn from a brother or sister in the Lord through a personal relationship are invaluable. Having the perspective of others helps to focus what you have learned.


Take Action!

Does studying not sound all that interesting to you? 
Everyone has their own way of acquiring knowledge. Identify your favorite learning techniques. Use your go-to methods and also try to make a point to develop new ways of learning. Asking lots of questions is a great way to start.
Usually the only thing standing between you and knowledge is your curiosity. Develop your curiosity about our Lord. Review Curiosity... The Hijacked Virtue for a primer if you need one.
Have you discovered your teaching style?
Much like learning about the Lord takes time, so does developing your teaching style. Be patient, persistent and thoughtful in developing your style and it will come. 
The way you like to learn just may be a tip as to how you would be good at teaching. Ask yourself questions about how you learn and I bet your teaching style will flow from that process.

Please, add your thoughts in the comment section.


Concept >>> “Study Like You Have To Teach It”
Next >>> "Faith… Updating Your Definition"

In The Cool Zone concept.  Teach what you have learned.


  1. A huge help in studying is a good concordance of the Bible! Also, most Christian churches have a Wednesday night Bible Study Class! Are there any authors or books you can recommend ? Cheryl

    1. All good stuff. What topics are you interested in studying?

      - Rob


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