Salvation, Relationship, Testimony 2

By Reverend Bob Griffith - Guest Writer

Faith in the Lord was a growing process for me and when I crossed over that line and started trusting the Lord I have to say it became second nature for me. Now everything I do is by faith in the Lord.

How I got In The Cool Zone.

Every situation now is automatic about listening to what the Lord is saying or what His Word says. I don't panic any more or get confused. I trust the Lord will get me through the storm or take it away. Either way I have faith in Him.

We all come to the Lord in different ways, some slower than others. Once I got God's Word in me I wanted to help others by showing them that reading God's Word and doing it is the quickest way to get where the Lord wants you and where you want to be.

I want to lead others to love Him and His ways, as I do. God is awesome and all powerful and He has great plans for you as He does me. Yeah, these steps are the way I came to my cool zone. It takes time but God is a redeemer of time and I hope these steps might help you in your walk toward the Lord.

Do it!

The one thing I know for sure is that when you are a doer of God's word you will be blessed!

You will love to teach and preach God's Word. By the way, I didn't plan these steps out. I was simply coming to God the way the Holy Spirit was leading me. So relax and let the Holy Spirit lead you.

The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. - Psalm 37:23 KJV

Amen and God Bless!


Take Action!

Will Bob's process to getting to know the Lord work for me too? 
Yes, indeed! 
It's just like trying to get to know a new friend. We spend time together. We ask questions about who they are, what they think and and what motivates them. As we gather information, we connect and begin to work in concert.

It's the same with our Father in heaven. Time spent reading the scriptures, studying, praying and connecting with other Christians is the recipe for knowing God. 

Let's do the things God is telling us to do and remember it's just like Bob said, "there is a blessing behind the command as well."

Please, add your thoughts in the comment section.


Concept >>> “Doer's Of God's Word Are Blessed”
Next >>> "Be An Expert Listener"

In The Cool Zone concept. Think like Jesus thinks.


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