It's OK To Say, "I Don't Know"

We have discussed that it's ok to be wrong when we find ourselves in a discussion about the Lord, philosophy, politics or anything else for that matter! We also understand that it's ok to be right , as well. Yet, what if we just don't know? Easy! Just say, "I don't know!" because it's ok to not know everything. Most of the time when we are debating/discussing/persuading, the person we're engaged with doesn't know either. We may feel like we are conceding a point if we can't come up with something on the spot. We are not conceding anything! We want to always be seeking the truth. This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth. - 1 Timothy 2:3-4 NLT Ponder, Meditate, Contemplate If we are in the cool zone we aren't looking to win arguments. We're looking to win hearts and for us to do that we want to seek the truth. Therefore, if you don't know, then say it! A season...