It's Ok To Be Right

When we engage people with the Gospel, doctrine, philosophy, politics, etc. it can be fun and it can also be a little intimidating if we feel we don't have all the details locked down. Some people avoid those discussions all together. Yet, religion (i.e. any belief system) and politics are where the ideas come from, that move the world forward.

Here at In The Cool Zone we want to provide a strategy to discuss these types of topics with a calm, cool and thoughtful demeanor. We even want to do this to the point of helping others remain calm and thoughtful as well.

Many of those ideas and techniques are found at ITCZ 101.

In the article, It's Ok To Be Wrong, we showed how one can eradicate the fear of being wrong. Especially, if we are engaging in conversations that have the potential to go sideways. With that, we also want to reinforce the idea that it's ok to be right, as well.

Yes! It's Ok To Be Right

As Christians we have so much material to read, study and discuss, we quickly realize that we cannot know everything. Yet, if you've told people about the Lord and your salvation, it doesn't take too long to get push back.

Remember, it's ok to be right about what you know. We can still be actively listening and learning while being sure of our salvation. We should always be seeking the truth and as we keep ourselves honest in our walk with the Lord, we are actively open minded and thoughtful.

Please note, that for everything we concretely know and can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt about the Lord, the bible, history, science... you can find a contradictory article online. Yep! Satan, isn't going to let the facts get in the way of him deceiving the world.

Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. - 1 Peter 5:8 NLT

We need to expect that our presentation of the truth is going to be met swiftly with a titlewave of lies. It's ok. There are ways to field those lies and get to a person's heart and deliver the Gospel.

Learn who the Lord is and what the Bible says about you. In Christ we are something different than we were before. Find out what that is. The answers are there. Develop a calm and cool demeanor and then go out and know what you know. It's ok to be right! :-)


Take Action!

How can I speak confidently about things I'm right on? 
You don't have to do it like anyone else does it but you have a new nature that you do not want to ignore. Know who you are in Christ. 
Here is the bonus. Do you want to make sharing for faith real easy? 
Fill your heart and mind with knowledge of the scriptures and grow in your obedience. You won't be able to stop talking about the wonderful salvation that you have in Jesus. :-)

Please, add your thoughts in the comment section.


Concept: It's OK to be wrong.

In The Cool Zone concept. Think like Jesus thinks. Deliver the Gospel. Teach what you have learned.


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